Eola Road Branch
In order to be a write-in candidate, a notarized Declaration of Intent to Be a Write-In Candidate must have been filed with the DuPage County Election Division no later than 61 days prior to the election. Write-in candidate names will not appear on the ballot; the DuPage County Clerk Election Division maintains the Write-In Candidate Listings.
Voters may only write-in candidates who have already filed a Declaration of Intent to be a Write-In Candidate 61 days prior to the election. Nonetheless, write-in candidate names will not appear on the ballot, only the option to write-in. The Kane County Clerk's Office keeps an up-to-date Write-In Candidate List for voters. A candidate who is defeated for nomination is not allowed to file a Declation of Intent to be a Write-In Candidate.
*Note that Kendall and Will Counties do not provide lists of write-in candidates.
You must register at least 28 days prior to an election in order to vote in that election. You can register online, by mail, or in person. Following the close of registration, Illinois allows for "Grace Period" registration and voting beginning the 27th day prior until the day before an election. Online registration is available through the 15th day prior to Election Day.
You must be a United States citizen.
You must be 17 years old on or before the date of the Primary Election and turn 18 on or before the date of the General or Consolidated Election.
You must live in your election precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
You must not be serving a sentence of confinement in any penal institution as a result of a conviction.
You may not claim the right to vote anywhere else.
Register to vote at the library through January 28! Select staff are trained deputy registrars. Stop by a service desk for more information. Dependent on staff availability.
People who do not register to vote by Tuesday, January 28, 2025 may use the grace period registration to register to vote. Starting January 29, you must also vote at the time of registration, and your options for where you register to vote may be more limited.
DuPage County Grace Period Registration
Kane County Grace Period Registration
Search by name and/or address for information on your polling place and a sample ballot.
Voting by mail is an option for voters to cast their ballot prior to Election Day. Voters can request a vote by mail ballot through the mail or in person.
Any qualified elector of the State of Illinois who is properly registered to vote may apply for a vote by mail ballot.
Request a vote by mail ballot 11/7/24-2/20/25
Request a vote by mail ballot 1/2/25-3/27/25
Voting must be accessible to people with disabilities.
Allows voters who are unable to enter a polling place to vote within 50 feet of the voting place. Election judges bring the ballot out to the voters and the voters cast their ballots. Contact your election authority at least one day before Election Day if you wish to use curbside voting.
Polling places must provide accessible voting equipment, including non-visual systems for the blind and visually impaired, such as direct responding electronic (DRE) voting systems. These touchscreen machines can operate in audio mode and should be available in every polling place, with at least one election judge trained to assist with them.